Make-up Examination, Semester Final Exam, Summer-2017
Students who couldn’t sit for the Mid Semester Examinations of Summer Semester-2017 on medical grounds or for any other unavoidable circumstances are advised to appear at the Make-up Examination to be held from 23rd July, 2017 to 31st July, 2017. As such students are required to apply in the prescribed form and pay Tk. 1500 (One Thousand Five Hundred) only for each course as Make-up Examination Fee on or before 22nd July, 2017.
Make-up Examination Forms and Payment Slips are available at the Admission Office and Examination fee must be paid at the assigned Bank and submit the Make-up form with Payment Slip to Accounts Office during office hour from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Moreover, this is to be noted that no application for waiver on Make-up Examinations fee will be accepted.